When it comes to successful franchising, it is all about knowing the current trends in marketing, product and services that will profitably sell to consumers. In the following, we will take a closer look at promising branches of franchising and potential business opportunities that carry promising success stories with them. The Franchise Expo in Paris pointed out and summarized current trending markets for anyone interested in dabbling with the franchise opportunity within a business of their choice.

Franchising with a variety of business models

Current successes include a variety of different business models, starting from the food industry, to beauty, real estate and the service sectors. As predictably so, the fast-food business is still booming so franchises are on the rise to date, as franchisors acquire more and more locations to cater to its growing customer base. Fast-food locations include pizzerias, gourmet-burger spots and of course, sandwich-makers. In correlation with the need for more businesses and more franchises at different locations, the real estate sector is constantly booming as each of the business also needs a matching real estate property. So a win, win on all counts here for both industries.

Franchising in real estate – a steady track to success

Real estate markets face favorable conditions now, as low interest rates and easier credit and the need for locations for a variety of businesses, its employees and expansion projects. An increase of 15 % in revenue has been noted in the year 2015 alone. Being also a business service in which property seekers are provided with a service of being found a property that matches their personal and professional requirements, has also contributed to this growth on the franchising markets. Business sectors are more on the rise than ever with a variety of branches operating independently with franchisees worldwide. Other business services include customization based enterprises that offer marketing materials to its clients, including signage, banners, displays, showcase, vehicle design and such which are part of some essential tools for practically any operating business nowadays and explainable in that manner. Agencies franchises open at fast pace internationally to accommodate for the growing marketing needs.

As becomes obvious here, franchising is as popular as ever and offers a promising concept for business growth to a variety of industries.